Brushing thoughts...
Still no real rain in PG. There was a thunderstorm last night, but the precipitation isn't sticking around and I'm still out of work. I watched Superman last night to fight the boredom that is quickly setting over me. Don't have much to say about the film, the last batman blew it out of the water in terms of interest and direction. It was grand to see Parker Posey though - even if her talents were grossly misused - not to mention Kevin Spacey. To save money I've relocated from the Downtown Motel (where I was languishing if front of the tv for hours) to UNBC and its dorms. I plan to get lots of reading done on my book about the CIA's involvement in Afghanistan and the subsequent rise of radical islam and the Taliban. I thought I'd try to list some thoughts and songs that god through my head when I brush. Given the nature of the work it's very hard to have a connected train of thoughts, one finds that one simply finds one thought or idea and sucks it the way Molloy sucked those stones he kept in his pocket.
- The memory of the first time I met my niece Emily and her smile when she saw me at the door.
- The first moments of September 11th as I remember them from when I lived in Parkdale. The sheer magnitude of the event can be contemplated as if one is witnessing an astronomical event.
- The second season of Carnivale and the wish that more tv and film would be that good.
-[rare because it's too early in the season to contemplate such things] the thought that soon enough I'll be back in Africa and I won't mind brushing away flies and mosquitos then.
Songs: [rarely complete, sometimes just the chorus over and over again like a mantra until it drives me crazy]
-Jackson, Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash's both sung.
-38 years old, The Tragically hip.
-Fireworks, Bobcadgeon, The Tragically Hip.
-The Boxer, Simon and Garfunkle.
-Mrs. Robinson, Simon and Garfunkle.
-The Rose, Bette Middler (oh you should hear me sing that one)
That's all that I can think of for now, I'm sure there's plenty more that I'm forgetting having been away from the bush for so long. My Cabinda article should be coming out soon (it may be out already) in The Knoll (woohoo - the full version). I asked them to mail a copy to my Vancouver apartment. I'll put in a link from this site if they ever have it on their website. I bought myself a set of nuts for trad climbing the other day, just looking at them has me pumped for a full year of climbing next year.
Praying for some respite from the heat (PG is currently smogged in with forest-fire smoke) and signing off for now...
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