Once more unto the breach...
So just a short post regarding my whereabouts for the next 6 to 8 weeks (read: middle of nowhere). I'm currently sitting in the London Drugs in Prince George after taking the overnight Greyhound. There is no way to sleep in greyhounds, I'm convinced their seats were constructed with joint and muscle pain in mind.
There seem to be a lot of rookies around and very few veterans. I'm the only one from my year so far, a couple have come back from last year, but the pickin's are looking slim. I'm stuck in PG for the next few days while everyone else does the herbicide course. Then, from the sound of things we head off to Ospika camp for a 6 to 8 week stretch.
Rookies are going to drop like flies, it'll be a baptism of fire. Ospika is 10 hours into the bush and nothing but gnarled trees, rivers, mountainsides and wasps to welcome us. It'll be good money for me, and I did bring a ton of different books. I just keep looking forward to the Africa trip at the end of this stint in the bush. Once Ospika finishes it'll probably be August already.
I saw Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" with Dave the night before I left Van. Pretty good, a bit too Gore-centric but interesting and frightening nonetheless. The vast majority of it was simply good scientific evidence of global warming's effects and frightening predicitons. Should the western antarctic go sea levels go up by 20 feet. Read: 65 million refugees worldwide. It's a film that people skeptical of global warming should see. If anything it simply cries out with irrefutable data. I have a sneaky suspicion though that the anti-global warming position of many conservatives is more of a political stance than it is a true belief. It's kind of like saying "we're a red state and don't fall for that liberal bias about the environment". It becomes about the current administration and where you stand rather than the environment. It's a shame too, because the environment and its changing weather patterns doesn't give a shit who you voted for. Hurricanes aren't selective.
Well, time to sign off and go try to get a room at UNBC. Hurry up and wait, that's the order of the day. Two months in Ospika, good God...
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