Hiking: Vancouver Island, Vancouver and other stuff...

So first to report, yet another cigarette relapse, it was a small regrettable one, but now I'm back to day 3 with the patches and feeling confident that I won't relapse again, as I really can't afford to literally or figuratively. This is minor business, my blog keeps me honest about these things.
When I was still on the island last week I went to visit Tracy again and her little curly-blonde-haired, 13-month-old baby Emily said "Hi!" to me when I came in the door. According to Trace, she's becoming much more independent these days. I saw her crawl around and work on standing near the coffee table. I was there a while back to see her clap her hands (a first), and this time I saw her clap her feet (another first). I wish I had a picture I could upload of her, but at this time I don't. I took he for a little walk around the house and bounced her around before Tracy and I left. We hunted around Parksville for a while looking for some moving boxes for mum but couldn't find the place. Lunch at Smitty's, brunch I should really say. Then off to Englishman river falls for a nice hike around the falls. Tracy and I chatted, I ran the last bit uphill to the parking lot. I love the lush vegetationan tall trees of Vancouver Island. When I go up north brushing, my fondest memories are of wandering the Vancouver Island rainforest.

In other news, Kalle Lasn of Adbusters rejected my Cabinda article for being "too particular". I guess it wasn't "Adbustery" enough. I'll keep trying, and its going to be published in The Knoll at the end of May, so I'll have a link to it from this site by then. Came back to Vancouver and have been working feverishly on a paper for my sociology of development and underdevelopment about the Chinese economic miracle that we are all witnessing in the news. A little bit more research and I can start writing the giant. I went to the Kaleida cave twice and UBC and climbed the all VO+ routes (5.10a) in the bouldering wall. Since it costs a bundle for me to go to the wall, I spent some time at the weights as well.
Yesterday, Dave and I went up the Grouse Mountain Skylift (bloody pricey but great views from the top). There was thick and sloshy snow all around and a Grizzly reserve at the base of Grouse. We watched the bears for a while, before Dave acquired sunglasses for me (as I was going blind from the snow reflection). It was a beautiful blue sky and sunny day. We began our hike on a cat-track and hoofed it up the the summit of Grouse. Beautiful views of the Greater Vancouver Area, I took a few pictures and will put a link to them when my roll runs out. We descended into another snowy valley and fought our way up to the summit of the next peak (Dam mountain). As with the lions, we would have made much better progress with snow-shoes. After stopping for some food, we descended into another snowy valley and fought are way up to the summit of Little Goat mountain. At this point we only saw one other hiker on his way back - possibly from Crown pass.

At the top of Little Goat we had beautiful views of Crown Mountain to the left and Big Goat mountain to the right (pictued is crown sometime in the summer). In the distance we could see the Tantalus range, and Garibaldi. I took many pictures. Crown and Big goat were covered in snow with no tracks leading to the summits. We considered an ascent of Big Goat before a time check made the decision for us to return to Grouse.
We slowly ascended to the peak of Dam and then re-ascended Grouse before sliding our way down the ski hill back to the lodge for a good dinner.
At home I received my UNICEF yearly report in the mail, I also realised that my face was lobster-red from the reflection off the snow. Next time I'll be a little better prepared for peak trekking on a sunny day with snow.
Today, I went to the gym, climbed all the VO+ routes, ran two miles in on a treadmill in about half an hour, lifted some weights and finished one more VO route before heading home. I'm feeling good about the non-smoking thing and just have to remember to always have sugarless gum in my pocket (that stuff is essential).
Signing off, tired and sunburnt.
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